Data Management

Easily Narrow Down Results with the Filter Interface

Select which products should be shown with's filtering.'s Filter Interface can be used for each Content to narrow down results based on your product-attributes.

You will locate this option on Recommendations/Search/Email -> Content -> Edit Content -> Choose Product Logic. At the bottom you will find Filter Products.


When creating filters, the Interface will show you how many products match the filter and the generated filter string.

Each part of the filter consists of the following:

  • An Attribute to filter by

  • A Comparison deciding how the attribute should be compared to the value

  • A Value deciding what the attribute should be compared to

Simple Filters

A simple filter showing only products below 400€ can be seen here:

Stacking Filters

Filters can be stacked by clicking the "+" icon inside an existing filter-box and choosing a new filter with the And / Or button.

A simple filter showing only products below 400€ and only ones that are on sale.

Grouping Filters

Grouping allows you to create more specific filters where multiple stacked filters can be added and shown together or apart.

Clicking the "+ Add filter" button causes the next filters you add to be handled as a separate stack from the rest.


After choosing a new filter, you will get an option so handle the new stack as an "and" or an "or" stack. Simply click the text to switch it.

  • And will show products that must match both the filter before it, and the current one.

  • Or will show products that match any of the filters/stacks.

This can be used to show products that always match the first part of the filter, but only match one of multiple filters in the group. 

An example, showing products that cost no more than €400, on sale and are either from a precise vendor (above) or have another filter applied.  


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