Using in Your Store

Exporting a CSV file with Sales-Data in Smartweb

See how to export your order history from Smartweb, for use with

Since the Smartweb Prisindeks unfortunately does not allow sales to be included from Smartweb, the order history needs to be exported as a CSV file that can then be converted and uploaded to

To download this CSV file, start by logging in to your Smartweb backend.

Then go to Eksport:

On the following page, choose Ordrer under Vælg Data and choose CSV fil under Vælg Format, then click Næste.

Now you need to choose which data to include in the CSV file. needs to following data from the orders:

  • Ordre ID (default)

  • Dato

  • Produkt ID

  • Kunde e-mail

  • Bruger ID

All of these can be checked in the dropdowns:

After checking the fields, use the Efter Periode date-range selector, to include the sales-data all the way back to when you had your first orders, and click Næste:

Finally, click Download to receive your CSV file:

There! You now have your Smartweb sales-data as a CSV file.

Now you simply need to reach out to's Support, to find the best and most secure way of uploading the file to your account.

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