Upgrading / Uninstalling Extension

Upgrading the Clerk.io Magento 2 extension

Get the latest fixes and features from the Clerk.io extension


If you are using a version before 3.0.0, upgrading will break your Designs, since Clerk.js 2 will be used. If using an older version, follow this guide instead.

Important: Remember to take backups of any modified files, as they will be overwritten.

Upgrading the Magento 2 extension is done via commandline. 

Its done by following these steps:

  1. Login to your server through commandline.

  2. Navgiate to your webroot folder (usually "/var/www/your_domain/public_html")

  3. Enable Root Access by typing su and then enter your password.

  4. Type in the following commands in order:
    composer update clerk/magento2
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile 

  5. Wait for the extension to finish.

Your Magento 2 is now upgraded to the latest version.